Contact us

Phone number

Call us: 02392 736006


159 - 161 Commercial Road

Get directions (opens in Google Maps)

You can get to the practice using bus or train.

You can plan how to get here on this useful service Traveline.

Day Opening hours
Monday 8am to 6pm (phone lines open 8am to 12pm, then 2pm to 6.30pm)
Tuesday 8am to 6pm (phone lines open 8am to 12pm, then 2pm to 6.30pm)
Wednesday 8am to 1pm then 2pm to 6pm phone lines open 8am to 12pm, then 2pm to 6.30pm)
Thursday 8am to 6pm (phone lines open 8am to 12pm, then 2pm to 6.30pm)
Friday 8am to 6pm (phone lines open 8am to 12pm, then 2pm to 6.30pm)
Saturday 8am to 12pm for pre booked appointments only (no phone lines open)
Sunday Closed
Day Opening hours
Monday 8am to 12 (noon), 2pm to 6.30pm
Tuesday 8am to 12 (noon), 2pm to 6.30pm
Wednesday 8am to 12 (noon), 2pm to 6.30pm
Thursday 8am to 12 (noon), 2pm to 6.30pm
Friday 8am to 12 (noon), 2pm to 6.30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.

NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Extended hours

The Uni-City Medical Centre is open on  Saturday for pre booked appointments only.

  • Induction loop
  • Step free access
  • Wheelchair access

Alcohol consumption questionnaire

Please complete this short questionnaire so we can assess your alcohol consumption rate and offer you advice if necessary. For further information please visit the NHS website

Changing your contact details

To update details like your name, address, phone numbers or email address: fill out the change of contact details form below phone or visit the surgery, when we are open...

Communication consent

Please complete the online form below to receive updates from the practice by text or email.


Most issues can be resolved quickly and easily, often at the time they happen and with the person involved. If you cannot resolve the issue in this way, you can...

Friends and Family Test

Please let us know how likely you are to recommend our GP practice to your friends and family.

Patient feedback

We welcome your views and suggestions about our service. Please tell us about your experiences using the box below or complete our online form. Complete the online form to leave...

Register with the surgery

Catchment area Our list is open and ready to accept registration from anyone living in the Portsmouth area between Southsea and Kingston. We can also accept patients registering from Eastney,...

Sick (fit) notes

If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days To request a sick note: fill in an online form phone the surgery from 8am to 6.30pm. If you’ve been...

Test results

Getting your test results Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them: in your SystmOnline account (on the SystmOnline website or in the Airmid App) in your NHS...

Date published: 5th July, 2023
Date last updated: 26th October, 2023