Flu and COVID-19 spread more easily in winter and can cause you serious illness. Come forward for your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations when invited. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself, those around you and the NHS.
Flu vaccinations will be given in two phases this Autumn / Winter.
Phase 1: From September (Date TBC – We are awaiting confirmation of the vaccine delivery date. Once it has been confirmed we will update this page).
-Pregnant women
-All children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2024
-Primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6) – Given by Schools
-Secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11) – Given by Schools
-All children in clinical risk groups aged from 6 months to less than 18 years
Phase 2: From 3rd October.
-Those aged 65 years and over
-Those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups (as defined by the Green Book, Influenza Chapter 19)
-Those in care homes
-Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
-Frontline workers in a social care setting (e.g. care workers) without an employer led occupational health scheme
COVID Vaccinations will be given to eligible patients at the same time as their flu vaccination if stock has been provided to the Practice. We are currently awaiting further details from NHS England about which patients are eligible and when we will receive stock – we are expecting this to be early October.
We are expecting demand for flu and COVID-19 vaccinations to be high due to the recent new wave of COVID-19 infections.
When we have our vaccinations we will send you a text message or email to book your vaccinations. You can book via the link in the text message / email we will send you, or you can call us on 02392 736006.
Where stock is available, we will be offering COVID vaccinations (to eligible patients) at the same appointment as your flu jab. If we are unable to offer you a COVID vaccination during your flu appointment, we will invite you for a COVID vaccination as soon as stock is available.
Further information about the flu campaign can be found on the Gov.uk website.
Flu Vaccination Appointment Information
1. Flu Jabs protect you from influenza and the resulting complications.
2. While you are attending for your flu jab we can advise you if you are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID or other viruses such as shingles or pneumonia.
3. We will also check if you are overdue a review for areas such as your blood pressure, medication, asthma, diabetes etc.
4. The surgery purchases flu vaccines on your behalf so please have your vaccine with us.
5. Once you have booked your appointment please make sure that you attend. If you cannot attend your appointment please let us know so we can cancel this.
Which vaccination should I have?
In 2024/25 there are three different types of influenza vaccine available, there is more information available on these in the GP practice
Should I get the Flu Vaccination?
Yes. Flu is highly contagious.
Certain people are at greater risk of developing serious complications of flu, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. These conditions may require hospital treatment.
The flu vaccine is offered free to people who are at risk, to protect them from catching flu and developing serious complications.
It is very important that as many patients as possible are vaccinated to help reduce the burden on the NHS whilst we continue to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.
Who is eligible for the flu vaccination?
It is recommended that you have a flu jab if you fall into one or more of the following categories:
-In the ‘at risk’ group – please see the ‘People with long term medical conditions’ section below
-all pregnant women (including those women who become pregnant during the flu season)
-all those aged two and three years old (but not four years or older) on 31st August 2024
-all school-aged children who are part of the childhood programme
-have a serious medical condition (see below)
-are living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility (not including prisons, young offender institutions or university halls of residence)
-are a carer of a friend or relative
-Obesity (patients with a BMI greater than or equal to 40)
-Patients aged 50-64 years that are not in an ‘At-Risk group’ are NOT eligible for a free flu vaccination this year. If this guidance changes, we will contact you.
If you are the parent of a child who is over six months old and has a long-term condition on the list below, speak to your GP about the flu vaccine. Your child’s condition may get worse if they catch flu.
Pregnant women
It is recommended that all pregnant women should have the flu vaccine, whatever stage of pregnancy they’re in.
This is because there is good evidence that pregnant women have an increased risk of developing complications if they get flu, particularly from the H1N1 strain.
Studies have shown that the flu vaccine can be safely and effectively given during any trimester of pregnancy. The vaccine does not carry risks for either the mother or baby. In fact, studies have shown that mothers who have had the vaccine while pregnant pass some protection to their babies, which lasts for the first few months of their lives.
People with long term medical conditions
The flu vaccine is offered free to anyone who is over six months of age and has one of the following medical conditions:
-chronic (long-term) respiratory disease, such as asthma, COPD or bronchitis
-chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
-chronic kidney disease at stage three, four or five
-chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
-chronic neurological disease, such as a stroke, TIA or post-polio syndrome
-a weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV, or treatments that suppress the immune system such as chemotherapy
If you live with someone who has a weakened immune system, you may also be able to have a flu vaccine. Speak to your GP about this.
An annual nasal spray flu vaccine is now offered to all children aged two and three as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme. It will also be offered to children aged 2-18 with long-term health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and lung disease.
Children aged six months to 2 years with long-term health conditions aren’t able to have the nasal spray and will require the injected flu vaccine instead.
More information can be found on the NHS website
Who should not have the flu vaccination?
You should not have the flu vaccine if you have ever had an allergic reaction to a flu vaccine or one of its ingredients. This happens very rarely.
If you have had a confirmed very serious (anaphylactic) reaction to egg, have an egg allergy with uncontrolled asthma or another type of allergy to egg, your GP may decide that you should be vaccinated with an egg-free vaccine. One such vaccine is available for this flu season (called Preflucel, manufactured by Baxter Healthcare).
If no egg-free vaccine is available, your GP will identify a suitable vaccine with a low egg (ovalbumin) content.
Depending on the severity of your egg allergy, your GP may decide to refer you to a specialist for vaccination in hospital.
If you are ill with a fever, do not have your flu jab until you have recovered.
Is this year’s vaccine safe?
Although no medical procedure is totally free of risk, flu vaccines are generally very safe. The most common reaction to the jab is a sore arm, or you may feel hot for a day or two after the vaccination.
This year’s flu jabs have been tested and approved for use across the UK and in Europe. The jab cannot give you flu because it doesn’t contain any active viruses.
The Department of Health recommends that everyone who is eligible for a flu jab should have it as soon as the vaccine is available.
If you are in an at-risk group and do not have the jab, you will have a greater risk of developing serious complications or even dying if you get flu this winter.
If you haven’t had the flu vaccine and you are in a risk group, make an appointment to get vaccinated.
Find out more about the flu vaccine, including how the vaccine is made and how it protects you.
Will I receive a COVID19 vaccination when I have my flu vaccination?
Where COVID vaccine stock is available, we will offer you a COVID booster at the same time as your flu jab (if you are eligible). If stock is unavailable at the time of your flu jab we will book you in to an appointment for your COVID booster at the closest possible date.
What should I do if I think I have Flu?
If you suspect you have Flu then please read our flu information and advice before you contact the Practice.
In most cases flu can be treated at home and will pass in 7-10 days. Advice can also be sought from your local pharmacist or NHS111
Flu is normally spread within the first 4 days, it is important that if you do suspect that you have Flu that you seek advice first BEFORE coming to the Surgery. Please click the link below for self-help advice about flu.
COVID Vaccinations
We will be running a COVID autumn booster campaign from October. NHSE and JCVI have not yet confirmed which cohorts of patients will be eligible for the COVID vaccination this Autumn / Winter. We are also awaiting confirmation of the start date for the COVID vaccination campaign.
Where stock is available, we will offer eligible patients their COVID vaccination at the same time as their flu vaccination. This saves patients from having to book two separate appointments and helps us cope with demand at peak times. If stock is unavailable at the time of your flu jab we will book you in to an appointment for your COVID booster at the closest possible date.