Complaints Procedure:
This document sets out the Uni-City Medical Centre policy on dealing with complaints. We aim to ensure we follow best practice in the handling and management of complaints and to provide a high level of service. We welcome the views of our patients and view complaints and comments as opportunities to review and enhance the care and service that we provide.
We operate a local complaints procedure but if, after this, you feel your complaint cannot be resolved in-house you may then choose to pursue a review by the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman whose details are shown at the bottom of this page. In the first instance we would encourage you to put your complaint in writing, addressed to the Practice Manager, stating what you are complaining about and what outcome you expect after submitting your complaint. We can help you write your complaint if necessary.
Once you have submitted your complaint, we will acknowledge it in writing. We aim to give you a response within 20 working days (usually this will be sooner) and if there is likely to be a delay, we will let you know what the delay is and why it has happened. Please note that we cannot provide or discuss confidential information without appropriate authority if you are not the patient in question or you are registered with another Doctor’s surgery.
Complaining on behalf of someone else
We keep to the strict rules of medical and personal confidentiality. If you wish to make a complaint and are not the patient involved, we will require the written consent of the patient to confirm that they are unhappy with their treatment and that we can deal with someone else about it.
You will need to provide us with a signed letter from the patient stating that they have consented for the complaint to proceed.
Where the patient is incapable of providing consent due to illness or accident it may still be possible to deal with the complaint. Please provide the precise details of the circumstances which prevent this in your covering letter.
Please note that we are unable to discuss any issue relating to someone else without their express permission, which must be in writing, unless the circumstances above apply.
We may still need to correspond directly with the patient or may be able to deal direct with the third party, and this depends on the wording of the authority provided.
Dealing with your complaint
It is possible that someone from the Medical Centre will contact you to discuss your complaint to ensure that we understand it completely and fully and to help us investigate it.
The final response will include:
- An explanation of how the complaint has been considered;
- An apology (if appropriate);
- An explanation based on facts;
- Whether the complaint in full or in part is upheld;
- The conclusions reached in relation to the complaint including any remedial action that the organisation considers to be appropriate;
- Confirmation that any action has been or will be actioned;
- Where possible, we will respond to people about any lessons learnt;
- Information and contact details of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as the next stage of the NHS complaints process;
What to do once a complaint has been sent from the Medical Centre
Our aim is to ensure that all complaints are fully investigated, dealt with fairly and finalised with a high level of satisfaction between staff and patients.
Patients are given 2 weeks on receipt of their response to inform the Management team if they remain unsatisfied with the handling of their complaint. If patients do not respond during this time, then the complaint is closed on the practices system.
However, if the patient remains unsatisfied then they are invited to provide further comments in a way that is accommodating to them; for example invitation to a meeting, phone call or a further letter.
If the patient wishes to take their complaint further then they are provided with a list of services who can help them this, these have also been documented below;
Healthwatch Portsmouth (ICAS)
Contact telephone: 0300 440 9000 (9am –5pm Mon –Fri, out of hours please leave a message.
PO BOX 375, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 9HU; Text: 80800 starting message with PEOPLE
Visit for more support
INDEPENDENT COMPLAINTS & ADVISORY SERVICE (ICAS) is a national service that supports people who what to make a complaint about their NHS care or treatment.
Your local ICAS service is Healthwatch Portsmouth
NHS Frimley ICB, Aldershot Centre for Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1AY
Telephone: 0300 561 0290
Email address:
CARE QUALITY COMMISSION (CQC) if you have a genuine concern about a staff member or regulated activity carried out by this practice then you can contact the Care Quality Commission on 03000 616161, or alternatively visit their website:
OMBUDSMAN The Ombudsman considers complaints about poor treatment or services provided throughout the NHS in England. The service is independent , impartial and free. If you have any questions about whether the Ombudsman may be able to help you, or about how to make a complaint, please contact:
Helpline 0345 015 4033 Monday –Thursday 8.30am—5pm & Friday 8.30am to 12pm, (except bank holidays). Calls are charged at local or national rates. Textphone (minicom) 0300 061 4298
Email: Visit
Alternatively write to: THE PARLIMENTARY & HEALTH SERVICES OMBUDSMAN, MILLBANK TOWER; MILLBANK; LONDON; SW1P 4QP or use the hyperlinks below, or to obtain a PHSO complaints form:
Flowchart for complaints management
- Patient wishes to submit feedback/a complaint in relation to an aspect of the service provided
- Patient submits a complaint in writing to the Medical Centre. This can be handed in as a letter or submitted to addressed to the Practice Manager. Patient to ensure that the complaint/feedback is clearly stated and what expected outcome they are requesting.
- Digital Transformation Officer updates the ‘Complaints Register and saves a copy of the complaint. Patient is contacted and informed complaint received (within 3 working days)
- Digital Transformation Officer initially investigates the complaint and collects evidence. This is then discussed with the Senior Management Team/ other staff that are involved in the complaint. An Agreement is made on how to respond.
- Digital Transformation Officer records the outcome and feedback lessons learned on the Complaints Register. Trends are monitored.
- Digital Transformation Officer will feedback to the Senior Management Team who will then provide feedback to the individuals/cohorts, so learning is achieved and shared.
Version No. | Date Amended / Reviewed | Reasons for Change | Approved by |
1 | 01.05.2024 | NA | |
Next Review Date | 01.05.2025 |